

NO.1 Ellis
Ellis Fibre是新西兰最具创新精神的床上用品公司,是新西兰以及欧洲的羽绒被,羊毛被、床罩和枕头的领导品牌。也是闻名世界Ellis fibre薰衣草枕头的创始者。
公司位于新西兰美丽的南岛上的但尼丁。Ellis fibre一直以为客户创造深度睡眠体验为使命。致力于提供高质量产品,同时研发新产品以更好的为客户服务。
Ellis fbire薰衣草枕头、羊毛被和羊驼毛被子以其纯正的品质畅销全球!

KING ALPACA(帝王驼)是国际知名家纺品牌,始终致力于为人类打造健康舒适的睡眠,并在全球时尚之都成立了国际领先的研发中心,通过不断融汇全球顶级家居文化精辟理念,始终成为时尚家居新概念生活的缔造者,和时尚家居用品消费潮流的引领者。
King ALPACA (Imperial camel) is a well-known international home textile brand, has always been committed to for mankind to create a healthy and comfortable sleep, and in a global fashion have set up a leading international R & D center, through will continue to integrate global top home culture brilliant idea, has become the founder of the new Fashion home the concept of life, and home fashion consumption trend leade.

NO.3 Classic Sheepskins
Classic Sheepskins是一个经典羊皮羊皮制革品牌,位于新西兰纳皮尔,品牌经营超过45年。我们鞣羊皮变成美丽的羊皮毯。我们将继续这个过程现场制作出各种美丽的产品,只希望你会喜欢!

NO.4 futonz
Quality natural bedding at the best price.
100% New Zealand made, designed and owned.
Staff with over 30 years experience making bed.
Convenient and affordable delivery to your home,throughout NZ, directly from our workshop.
Futonz combines the highest quality bed materials with the very best in bed design.
We have complete confidence in our products and guarantee them with:
One week no-obligation trial - your satisfaction or refund.
5 year guarantee on Futons.
10 year guarantee on Latex.
10 year guarantee on Bases.

NO.5 Pacific Alpacaspacific Alpacas is one of the largest alpaca fibre pool collectors in all of New Zealand. We also sell fibre, scoured, raw or processed. The highest quality 100% New Zealand Alpaca heirloom duvets.
Pacific Alpacas is a Fibre Pool that collects Alpaca Fibre from breeders and growers in New Zealand. We then sort and scour the Alpaca Fibre and then sell the fibre to domestic and international buyers. Pacific Alpacas has been doing fibre collection for the past 6 years. Over this time we have sold over 50,000kgs!

NO.6 Mi Woollies
Mi Woollies is proud of its Kiwi heritage. Our head office is based in Christchurch, New Zealand and we are 100% Kiwi owned. We have been passionately manufacturing the finest quality premium sheepskin and  wool products in New Zealand, China and Fiji since 1936.
With our headquarters in the province of Canterbury, the heart of New Zealand's sheep farming district our local designers are inspired by the unique natural Canterbury environment that surrounds them.
For over 70 years Mi Woollies and the sheep farmer have worked together to produce timeless, authentic, natural products using only the best quality wool and sheepskin.
Mi Woollies expertise in wool and sheepskin has developed over many generations by working closely with farmers and the sheepskin and wool industries. This ensures that only the finest quality raw materials are selecting for use in the construction of Mi Woollies natural products.

NO.7 Novadown
NOVADOWN是新西兰最知名的家纺领军企业Ellis Fibre旗下高端品牌。公司坐落于新西兰南岛的最南端城市但尼丁,其风景如画,畜牧业发达。公司致力于生产由动物毛发制造的床上用品和毛织品。而羊驼毛被子则是明星中的明星,是该品牌的拳头产品。在新西兰当地,只有在奥克兰和惠灵顿几个大城市的最高级百货商场和几个床上用品精品店才能买到。由新西兰最大的羊驼饲养农场Pacific Alpaca提供原料,承诺100%精选新西兰羊驼毛,绝无掺假!

NO.8 Eco Store
ECOSTORE是新西兰最大的环保家居清洁和身体护理品牌。其的创办人Malcolm Rands和Melanie Rands夫妇是新西兰著名的环保人士。两人1986年曾在北岛的港口城市旺阿雷(Whangarei)东北部的海滩附近共160英亩的土地上,建立了新西兰第一个以无工业污染,自给自足,永续农业为特点的生态村Mamaki(意思是“充满大爱的女神”),在那里两人度过了将近七年的乡居生活。在这段时间里,他们萌生出用环保方式生产无化学添加剂的清洁护理用品的想法。
ECOSTORE创办于1993年,它以“健康第一”为理念的,不含的化学成分、防腐剂、色素、人工香料,不经动物试验的产品很快获得消费者追捧,为减低运输所产生的能耗,Rands夫妇于2002年把家搬往奥克兰并在那里开了第一个店,2006年产品开始进入新西兰的超市,2008年进入澳大利亚,2009年进入美国,从Mamaki生态村出发的良心企业Eco Store,其环保理念受到新西兰政府和民众的认同,也逐渐成长为国际品牌。
现在ECO STORE在全球范围内搜索纯天然成分,用创新的生态技术制造产品,致力于为消费者研发更安全,更健康,更环保的日用品。

