
eBay卖家如何回复Best Offer?附还价邮件模板

2 Best Offer对于eBay卖家来说,这是一个非常强大的功能。卖家可以利用Best Offer推行即时优惠,来提高某个listing的近期销量,进而改善Best Match搜索排名。下面重点说说eBay卖家如何回复Best Offer?收到Best Offer后,卖家有以下几种选择:1. 接受买家的报价并结束刊登;2. 拒绝报价,如果你愿意,你还可以向买家解释你的理由;3. 回复还价,给买家一个你可以接受的价格,如果买家在合理的时间内没有作出回应,可以让该Best Offer到期。4. 让报价在48小时后或在刊登结束时,以先到者为准。下面为各位eBay卖家提供一份还价邮件模板,仅供参考!问题:Hello, I can give 10dollars. Is it OK?回答:Thank you for your interests in my item.Perhaps we can’t offer you that low price you bargained. I’m sorry for that. In fact the price listed is reasonable and been carefully calculated. It leaves me limited profit already.But, we’d like to offer you some discounts on multiple items. If you purchase more than 5 pieces in one order, _________discount will be giver to you on amount.Any further questions please let me know. Thanks.Yours Sincerely,Seller Name or ID

