

1 亚马逊发送邮件警告卖家,称使用多个销售账号违反政策,并表示如果卖家出于某种情况不得不运营多个账号的话,要确保在Seller Central账号中列出其他账号,并解释原因。有卖家认为这是欺诈邮件,而有一些则担心尽管他们并没有违反政策,还是会被亚马逊针对,但亚马逊似乎将邮件发给了许多卖家:Dear Seller,As we continue to ensure our marketplace is safe and trustworthy for both buyers and sellers, we would like your help. Amazon prohibits the use or maintenance of more than one seller account.We understand that in certain circumstances you may need to use multiple accounts or associate one or more accounts to your seller account.In an effort to better understand the business requirements that you may have for multiple or related accounts, we request you to list these accounts in Seller Central along with the reason for relating them to your seller account.Simply click or copy and paste the link below into your web browser to access your account within Seller Central and provide any and all email addresses and reasons for their use - it's that easy.For more information, see the following Help page.Regards,Amazon Services邮件内容大概是:亚马逊禁止卖家使用或维护多个卖家账号。亚马逊也理解卖家有时候需要多个账号或是相关账号。对此情况,亚马逊要求卖家要在Seller Central账号中列出所有账号,并说明需要和卖家账号关联的原因。如果卖家被发现未经允许就使用多个销售账号,卖家账号可能被永久冻结。据政策表示:“亚马逊禁止卖家运营或维护多个卖家中心账号。如果卖家经营合法业务,并需要第二个账号的话,也可以申请豁免。”目前还不清楚亚马逊为何要发送邮件给卖家,但确实让一些收到邮件的卖家非常担心。(编译/世界超市网 方小玲)【福利】年终购物季近在咫尺,你的亚马逊爆款做好了吗,listing优化如何,站内引流及转化上去了吗?9月28-29日(厦门)VC商学院高级讲师Skyla重磅推出爆款专题课程,点击“爆单”解决旺季前的所有困难。小贴士:扫码或关注世界超市网微信公众号cifnews获取更多亚马逊平台相关新闻!

