

8作者跨境电商凯文 速卖通客服基本工作第一留言,第二站内信,第三纠纷处理。如何做到高效的回复客户,以及在处理过程当中应该重点注意哪些?做速卖通的卖家一定要有两个表格,这个会大大提高你的工作效率。第一个表格《站内信留言处理模板》,第二个表格《特殊订单备注》 一:订单留言处理的基本原则 1:批发订单优先处理。比如批发客户下了一个订单,但是未付款的情况,需要你整理一套模板针对性的发过去。2:快递订单优先处理。点开今日订单,看到有选择快递的如DHL ,UPS, Fedex等,既然选择了更快的物流方式,卖家需要提供更好的售后服务。3:备注订单单独处理。经常有看到备注需要改地址,改人名,需要提供商业发票等,可以在单独的时间里处理一些不紧急的问题订单。二:订单留言分类及具体方法 2.1资金审核未通过订单 思路:可能买家第一次或者新买家在AE购物,资金审核不过 Dear Valued CustomerReally sorry for that , Just because you are the first time or a new buyer in Aliexpress , so they need check your account very carefully , Anyway donot worry that , They will refund you the money to your account ASAP .We suggest you can place an new order , it will be ok , try to test it , If you have any problem , try to leave me message , Best wish.2.2一下单催快点发货 思路:产品发货前质检,突出对品质的管控,客户也会很理解 Dear Valued CustomerThanks for your order ,In fact we have received your money , Usually my company QC need test it carefully before we shipping , Because we need guarantee better quality and well package for you.Totally we need arrange your package within 2 days , Never worry that , Once we shipped , we need update the tracking number for you , and give you the racking website , so you can know your package where it is going on .If you have any problem , Leave me message here , we will reply you within 24 hours. best wish.2.3一填单号催物流信息 思路:说明货物已经发出,但是仓库操作需要一点实际处理包裹 Dear Valued CustomerThanks for your trust , in fact we have shipped the package to Aliexpress Warehouse , Never worry that , We ship it to you by Aliexpress Standard Shipping.But they need a little time to deal with the package , and will update the tracking information soon , Try to wait for little time , If you have any problem , try to leave me message , Best wish.2.4按照物流轨迹分析 离开中国前 无物流信息 (对接物流查看是否有收货记录) 如果缺货需要等2周 思路:缺货第一说明到货时间,第二说明更好的售后服务 Dear Valued CustomerReally sorry for the inconvenience , Just because this model you buy is out of stock , But donot worry that , New stock will arrive about 2 weeks , Hope you can be a little patient , Once we have in stock , we need arrange your order package immediately .And i just apply the VIP price for you from my company , Next time we can give you $ 2 discount if buy in my store , Wait your kindly reply ,Best wish.如果未发问客户意见 思路:漏发情况第一说对不起,第二征询客户意见是否补发或者退款 Dear Valued CustomerReally sorry for the inconvenience , I just check it carefully for your order , my warehouse make a mistake , and they forget to give my shipping company .in fact the package already packed well .We will send you package priority today is ok ? and i just apply the VIP price for you from my company , Next time we can give you $ 2 discount if buy in my store , Wait your kindly reply , Best wish.有物流信息 停止1~2周没更新(大促期间) 思路:第一说明原因,第二解决客户情绪 Dear Valued CustomerThanks for your understanding , In fact we have send it to my Post Office already , i will send their message ,Let they arrange it fast for you , Also i need tell you nowadays Aliexpress 11.11th Global Shopping Festival just gone , so too many packages wait to be shipped , It is a little delay , Hope you can be a little patient.Any question , Try to leave me message here , we will reply you ASAP.停止2~3或者更久周没更新(物流查询) 思路:第一缓解客户情绪,第二说明你已经跟物流对接查询了 Dear Valued CustomerReally sorry for the inconvenience , In fact we have already shipped it to Aliexpress Warehouse, Also you can track it on the internet , it shows Shipment information received.Anyway we have let my logistics company to check it for you , if have any updated , we will leave you message ASAP.海关扣关 卖家角度原因 (无法出具进口国所需文件; 产品属于假货 仿牌 违禁品 ;申报价值与实际价值不符) 思路:第一表明态度积极配合买家清关,第二售后服务 举例(因卖家低申报,没有与买家沟通,买家需支付关税) Dear Valued CustomerReally sorry for that , We have applied the best service from my company .First you can get it from your custom , and send me the picture of the custom file , we need know how much you pay for your custom , so we can give you part compensation .Second We can give you $**discount in my store if you buy next time , Because you are already my VIP customer , we need do more business with you in future . wait your kindly reply .买家角度原因 (无法出具进口国所需文件;进口国限制该货物;不愿意清关,关税过高) 思路:第一说明你所有操作是按照买家回答进行的,第二售后服务 举例(提前协商好了的,但因买家原因需支付关税)Dear Valued CustomerReally sorry for that , In fact we have confirmed it very carefully with you before we shipping . It is your country custom local policy that let you pay the tariff , So we hope you can try you best to clear the customs , and get your parcel fast .But we just talked with my boss , Next time we need give you more discount if you buy in my store , Thanks到达目的国 到达当地国家未更新 思路:第一延迟收货时间,第二给客户一个可行的承诺 举例(特别南美巴西等海关更新超慢)Dear Valued CustomerSorry for the inconvenience, We just help you track the parcel , In fact the package already arrived at your country at the date *** .And i also have extended the delivery date by *** days for you , So never worry that the protection time is running out , If you still not receive it within ***days , Try to leave me message here , we will help you solve it . Best wish.1~2周未更新 思路:第一延迟收货时间,第二客户跟当地邮局查询 举例(特别南美巴西等海关更新超慢)Dear Valued CustomerSorry for the inconvenience, We just help you track the parcel , In fact the package already arrived at your country at the date *** .And i also have extended the delivery date by *** days for you , So never worry that the protection time is running out , We hope you can try to give a call to your local post office , Let they help you track it Whether it arrived ,Also China post is really a little slow , hope you understand this situation .If you have any problem , Leave me message here , we will reply you within 24 hours. best wish.1~2个月未更新 思路:延迟收货时间,第二:给一个可行的承诺,安慰客户 举例(特别大促期间)Dear Valued CustomerSorry for the inconvenience, We just help you track the parcel , In fact the package already arrived at your country at the date *** .And i also have extended the delivery date by *** days for you , So never worry that the protection time is running out , We hope you can try to give a call to your local post office , Let they help you track it Whether it arrived , Also China post is really a little slow , hope you understand this situation .If you still not receive it within ** days , we can apply the refund from my company for you , donot worry that , we are the honest seller , so hope you canbe a little patient , Just becaus nowadays the Aliexpress Shopping festival ,so many parcels to be shipped , Anyway if you have any problem , Leave me message here , we will reply you within 24 hours. best wish.显示退回 思路:第一客户再次跟邮局确认,第二确实退回,可以给客户先安排退款 举例(显示退回,小包通常在当地呆1个月左右)Dear Valued CustomerSorry for the inconvenience, We just help you track the parcel , In fact the package already arrived at your country already.And i also have extended the delivery date by *** days for you , So never worry that the protection time is running out , We hope you can try to give a call to your local post office , Although it shows package returned to seller , Usually it will stay at your country near 1 month , so try to contact with your post office first , if not stay at your country , we will refund you the money first .Anyway if you have any problem , Leave me message here , we will reply you within 24 hours. best wish.物流显示成功,客户说未收到 思路:第一客户跟邮局确认,第二有问题客户随时联系 Dear Valued CustomerSorry for the inconvenience, In fact we track the parcel , It shows delivered successfully . But as you say still not get it , We hope you can contact with your local post office first .Anyway if you have any problem , Leave me message here , we will reply you within 24 hours. best wish.妥投不成功 思路:提供三张截图,证明地址全部是一致 举例(截图下单地址+ERP发货地址+物流发货证明即可)Dear Valued CustomerSorry for the inconvenience, In fact we track the parcel , It shows delivered successfully . But as you say still not get it , We hope you can contact with your local post office first .We can send you all the proof to show that we send the package according to your order address in my store, And we can give you the evidence of my logistics company .Anyway if you have any problem , Leave me message here , we will reply you within 24 hours. best wish.关于留言问题分类以及方法,你要学会针对不同问题要有自己的一个基本思路,这个才是最重要的,可以总结几个非常重要的小经验。 第一:争取所有的回复模板尽量做到极致,当然这个后期要不断优化,开头一定要很有礼貌称呼:Dear Valued Customer 或者Dear***(直接名字);第二:询问订单发货或者物流相关情况,第一句一定要感谢客户的订单,Thanks for your order .第三:留言关于物流出问题,像海关扣关等,第一句一定要说对不起,Sorry for the inconvenience或者Really sorry for that .第四:物流很久未更新情况,为避免客户开户开纠纷,一定要尽可能先延迟收货长时间。第五:只要出现问题,自己道歉后,再安抚客户的情绪,常用以下次购买折扣或者送礼物。第六:最后一句一定是强调只要客户有任何问题,随时联系,让客户感觉你一直在帮组他解决问题。第七:在处理每一个留言,一定要想着是不是可以做模板,下次你还可以用的着。其他的具体没有讲到的问题,只要你学会了上面的几点,相信你可以搞定客户的任何问题,上面的一些回复模板仅供参考,重要的是你要整理一套属于你自己的留言模板。以上内容属作者个人观点,不代表世界超市网立场!如有侵权,请联系我们。 有任何速卖通问题,请关注微信号【alcifnews】扫码订阅“速卖通”,更多实操干货等着你!

