admin 2020-09-29
一售前,图片上传要求: 图片编号和产品编号要一致,一个产品图片有多张,至少5张以上比较好,例如:QHJ001-1,QHJ001-2,依此类推;图片可以点击鼠标右键点击“复制”然后存到文件夹中; 图片必须清晰,能体现材质,产品的全貌和剖面,拍摄图片需要进行全貌、正面、背面、切面、各种使用方法的展示图;图片和实物必须相符。 产品属性要包括以下几个要素:产品名称(堆积关键词),颜色,尺寸(链条,吊坠,内径,要清晰详尽),重量,包装,材质(重点),编号等信息; 注意和店铺里已经上传过的产品不要重复,可多次浏览店铺产品,留下印象来;如果有重复,编号先空着,等再分配任务来填充这个编号; 不能有任何与我公司无关的网址和店铺名称等的水印; 上传过程中注意去www.ebay.com,http://www.etsy.com/?refso_home等国外的购物网站上参考其使用的关键词,在速卖通上了解竞争对手的价格,相同的产品确保我们是最低价格; 有好的产品可以推荐,但是要确保这个产品我们在速卖通上有竞争力,提供相关的市场信息供上级审核,通过后可以上传; 翻译的时候注意不要把韩国,日本,进口这样的字眼翻译进来,要注意我们面向的主要是亚洲和欧美的国外客户,而淘宝面向的是国内客户; 上传图片到速卖通之后,要同时转化到国际站上去; 上传不是自己工厂生产或者合作工厂生产的产品,是从淘宝或者网上其它渠道的产品时,要先在速卖通上比较价格,确保我司的价格最低,同时要保证利润空间,无利润的产品就可以选择不做; 把中国邮政小包的运费滩到单价里面,运费模板设置为全部免运费; 图片上传顺序:1)尺寸图(横和坚的各一张);2)正面图(1-3张);3)剖面图和背面图;4)带OPP袋的包装图+带卡片的图5)带条形码的背面图6)卡片图7)纱袋图8)纸箱图9)产品描述 二产品关键词设置 A、相关度 B、当季当年热门词 C、客户搜索习惯 D关键词充分曝光(除了产品标题,还有编辑产品信息时候的“添加自定义属性”、“产品关键词”、“更多关键词”、“产品简要描述”以及产品详情页描述里重复产品标题等方式增加产品关键词曝光次数) E关键词整理,通过不同的方式搜索关键词,热门关键词等。 三客服业务员每日工作流程 第一件事,查看订单。 给客户留言,感谢其订单,并且告知几天之内可以发货,不要等客户来催发货,留下不好的印象来,让客户感觉到我们在关注他;(参考《模板一》) 填写《发货通知单》,看订单中客户是否有留言,对颜色,或者尺寸,包装是否有特殊要求,如果有就尽量按客人要求发,如果不能按照客人要求发货,就发货前通知客人;如果客户没注明颜色要求,颜色和款式要按照图片尽量混批发全; 填写好客户名称,国家,发货方式,申报价值等资料。报关金额要慎重。 一般美国的包裹重量如果没有超过三千克金额就可以标5-30美元,最多不要超过50美元。澳大利亚的只要不超过1000美元就好,但是木制产品,动物羽毛产品容易叩关,要慎重,并且建议不要走DHL。德国的海关对中国的包裹要求特别严格,所以报关最要慎重,建议不走EMS,因为德国的EMS是DHL收购了。包裹金额不要超过20欧元,500克以下的标5欧元就可以了,偏重的就不要标5欧元,可以标10-20欧元。如果包裹重量很重,但是还是标了5欧元海关很容易怀疑。另外,仿名牌产品建议不要发,尤其是DHL或其他快递。丹麦的报关金额不要超过13美元,波兰不要超过20美元,英国不要超过17英镑。挪威,瑞典,芬兰不要超过30美元,意大利不要超过40美元。拉美国家一般不要超过50美元。俄罗斯和新西兰的EMS有时候很慢,所以如果客人急需,就建议不要走EMS。 《发货通知单》要在当天上午尽最快的速度交给发货员,填写《发货通知单》时要去采购员那里核实采购价填写交给业务主管签字。三天之内货物还没有到位,问发货员要发货单号先在线上发货。 产品发货之后要在当天在线上发货,不能拖到第二天甚至多天才填写。 线上发货之后对客户进行留言;(参考《模板二》) 中国邮政小包发货之后满三十天,快递满一个星期要帮客户查询货物状态,同时给客户留言(参考《模板三》) 货物到达客户国家海关之后,要提醒客户去提货(参考《模板四》) 第二件事,检查客户是否有留言,因为速卖通系统读过的留言就看不到了,要用本子记录下客户留过言的订单编号,以便可以进行及时的回复,不管客户是否回复留言,每天对这些订单编号进行留言跟踪,一直到客户回复留言为止,留言要同时用邮箱发到客户的邮箱里,否则只有等到客户登录到速卖通查看留言的时候才可以看到。 3)第三件事,查看客户评价,每天必须查看,同时对所有客户的评价进行回复,中差评要每天重点回复(参考《模板三》,评价要在评价后台,订单后台和客户邮箱三个地方同时进行回复(参考《模板四》),确保客户可以及时看到,每天都回复,一直回复到客户修订评价为止。注意评价后台只能回复一条留言,要求客户修改评价也只能回复一条留言,要求修改评价之后客户在系统里必须要在七天内修改,否则七天后将不能再修改,超过七天的还没有修改的,可以要求客户发邮件到buyer@aliexpress.com这个邮箱里申请速卖通修订我们的评价; 4)第四件事,及时跟踪包裹物流 1、发现客户包裹未妥投的,要联系客户,建议客户拿着跟踪号到当地邮局去找。如果客户没回复要继续跟踪。如果包裹在规定的收货时间内不能收到货物的,要及时延长收货时间。 2、如果包裹被海关扣留,要建议客户跟海关联系,可以提供交易账单,发票。 3、如果客人来问包,要及时提供跟踪网址和跟踪信息,如果有跟踪信息就建议客户多等几天,如果没跟踪信息,包裹超过40天还没收到的就首先让客户去邮局检查一下,没有在邮局找到的就看客户的态度,态度好的可以多等几天,态度已经很不耐烦的就建议退款或者补发了。(意大利,英国,法国,中亚,澳大利亚的航空小包出了中国就没跟踪信息了。) 4、如果客户收到包后抱怨收错物品我们就要建议客户发照片过来确认,如果真的错了就建议补发正确的,错的劝客人低价卖给客人。如果客户不同意就建议部分退款或者寄回错误的物品,然后全额退款。 5、如果客人收的物品数量不对,销售,打包人员要核对包裹重量,检查发货记录,如果确定是我们少发了就建议客人在他的下一个订单补发,这样可以节省我们补发的运费。如果客人不同意的话就单独补发或者部分退款。 6、包裹被退回来的要及时联系客户,根据成本加运费核算是补发还是退款损失小。 7、如果客人收到包裹后没有及时给评价的,可以及时联系客户,建议客户给好评,并建议客户如果包裹有什么问题,请及时联系我们,要让客户觉得我们是真的关心他,帮助他。 8、如果客人给了中差评的要及时联系,沟通,劝导客人修改评价,要确定客人同意修改后再把请求发过去。 5)针对性的跟踪检查发货员是否按要求发货。 四、发货员工作流程 1、发货员收到《发货通知单》后,仔细查看客户的要求,发货方式,交货期等,有现货的当天务必发货;没有现货的能自己生产的自己生产,不能生产的由采购员采购——以为业务主管的填写的要求为准。有情况及时向上反馈,保证尽最快的速度发货。三天之内如果采购员不能找到货物要把发货单号给客服业务员,让其可以在三天之内进行线上发货; 2、打包前要仔细检查物品质量,颜色,是否有发错货,对于易碎的物品要慎重包装; 3、按照《发货通知单》上的写的申报金额填写申报价值;仔细核对地址;报关单上品名那里一般写handcraft,标gift . 4、要注意交货时间,尽力在规定的时间内交货。如果客人所需物品缺货的要及时联系客服业务员,建议客户延长交货期,或者建议客户换货。 四、留言模板 模板一(收到订单后留言): Hi,*****, thank you very much for your order, we will send you the goods within 1-3 days by China Post Mail(****), if any quesition, don't hesitate to ask me, hope we will have a good start cooperation. Thank you. 模板二(发货后留言): Hello, ***(客户名称), it is a pleasure to tell that the postman just picked up your item from our warehouse, it is by ****(物流方式)about *** working days to arrive. The tracking number is *******, tracking web:********, you can view its updated shipment on the web, which will be shown in 1-3 business days. Also our after sales service will keep tracking it and send message to you when there is any delay in shipping. We warmly welcome your feedback. 模板三(客户30天后仍然没有收到包裹的留言): Hello ******, this is ***, I am sending this message to update the status of your order. The information shows the parcel didn't arrive your country, Apologize that the shipping is slower much than usual. Hope it is not a big trouble for you. Just now We extended the taking delivery time for you , thank you very much. Best Wishes. 模板四(货物到达海关后,提醒货运相关进展): Hello Sir/Madam This is **. I am sending this message to update the status of your order. The information shows it was handed to customs on Jan. 19. Tracking number:************. You can check it from web: ***************. You may get it in the near future. Apologize that the shipping is a little slower than usual. Hope it is not a big trouble for you. Best Wishes. 模板五(货物达到邮局): Hello Sir/Madam This is **. I am sending this message to update the status of your order. The information shows it is still transferred by Sydney post office. Tracking number:************. Please check the web *******. You will get it soon, if your country Post delay it , please try to contact and urgent them, maybe you can get it earlier . Please note that package delivery. Hope you love the product when get my products. If so please give me a positive feedback. The feedback is important to me. Thank you very much. Best Wishes! 模板六(评价时的模板): 给客户评价时的模板:good buyer, thank you very much for your order, i hope we will have a long-time cooperation, don't hesitate to contact with us if there's anything what i can help you , best regards. 好评客户留言模板: Hello, ***, i am so pleased and grateful that you gave us a good feedback /you are satisfied with our products and service, i hope i can apply to give you a good discount or send a gift to you when you order next time. Thank you very much. Best regards 中评客户留言模板: 道歉:Hello, *** , i feel so sorry for all your inconvenience/ the quality question/ that you are not satisfied with *****. 解释原因: 提出解决办法:In order to showing my apologies, we hope we can give you a good discount or send you a gift when you order next time. and thank you so much for your suggestion , hope we will have a long-time cooperation. don't hesitate to contact with us if there's anything what i can help you , best regards. 差评客户留言模板(同中评): 在中评的基础上增加:i am looking forward to your reply whether or not you agree we fix this thing. If agree, honestly hope you can revise the bad valuation. If you don't agree, could you give us a better suggestion? We hope we can fix this thing reasonably and positively. Let us apologize to you again for all your inconvenience. Thank you very much ,best regards. 客户未评价:Dear ****,I just got the good news that you have confirm receipt the parcel,I hope you are satisfied with our products.We would appreciate it,if you can give us a positive feedback,the feedback is very important to us. I hope we will have a long-time cooperation, don't hesitate to contact with us if there's anything what i can help you .Thank you very much.Best regards.*** 模板七(发错货物,漏发货及时提醒客户): Hello ***, it is a pity to tell you a thing that our delivery member forgot to send the gauze bag to you, could i send you again or we give you $**** discount to you when you order next time? So sorry for all your inconvenience. Thank you very much , best regards. 模板八(推荐订阅店铺): 给新买家推荐: Dear***,Thanks you for showing interest in my products. In order to offer a better service and keep you updated with the latest promotions and products, please subscribe to my store. Any problem of subscribing, please refer to help.aliexpress.com/alert_subscribe.html 原意:亲爱的*买家名称*:很高兴您关注我的产品,为了方便后续给您提供更好的服务,建议您可以订阅我的店铺,可以及时了解我的店铺和产品的最新动态。如果您在操作时遇到问题时,请参看help.aliexpress.com/alert_subscribe.html. 给老买家推荐: Dear ***,Welcome to subscribe to my store. By a few clicks you can enjoy our VIP service such as the latest updates from new arrivals to bestselling products on a weekly basis etc. Any problem of subscribing, please refer to help.aliexpress.com/alert_subscribe.html. 原意:亲爱的*买家名称*:欢迎您订阅我的店铺,这样您每周可以收到最新、最热销的产品信息,仅需要您简单操作,就可以享受给您的VIP服务。如果您在操作时遇到问题时,请参看help.aliexpress.com/alert_subscribe.html. 模板九(论坛推广模块):(速卖通教程链接地址) seller.aliexpress.com/education/marketing/tools/jifenmobanloaddown.html seller.aliexpress.com/education/marketing/tools/jifenloaddown.html http://seller.aliexpress.com/education/marketing/tools/jifenhelp.html 模板十(节假日祝福): 模板十一(对老客户推销模板):hello ****, thank you very much for your order in our store, do you sell by online store or Real store ? Could you send the website for my reference if you have a online store, you can tell me which product you selt mainly if you have a real store. we are a professional jewelry factory, i hope we can get the sellerdom news and your suggestion for the products. And maybe we can supply the product you are selling and be sure to give you best price than other suppliers for the same quality products. I hope we will have a long-time cooperation and help you have a better sale. Thank you very much ,best regards. 模板十二(客户抱怨全部是免运费,没有按指定的运输方式来发): dear *****, thank you very much for your message, i am so sorry that you didn't check our product description carefully, please check it again, because many countires can't select the China Post free shipping, so we set all are free shipping, and you will discover many stores are do so in Aliexpress, and aliexpress have a course to tell us how to set all free shipping. Even so , dear carlos, don't worry, we are a orginal factory, our price must be best for this product , you must have no any lose. and i hope you will have a good sale and we will have a long-time cooperation. 模板十三(客户拍买了但是未付款): Hi, Dear****,i found you bought our products , but you didn't pay the money, if you feel the shipping cost is too high? Or you don't know how to pay ? Could you tell me the reason, so that we can discuss to solve the question for you. 模板十四(说服国际站客户到速卖通购买的第一封邮件): Hi, Dear ***, i am very pleased to receive your inquiry, snake necklace is one of our main products in our factory and we produce it many years with a good quality and service. Because so many detailers buy this products now and the quantity usual just have 100-500pcs, in order to save our client's time, we suggest you can buy our store directly, our store website address: www.aliexpress.com/store/700604,the snake necklace link is : www.aliexpress.com/store/700604/200979027/Necklace_12.html You can see all the details such as the pictures, color palette, product description, all kinds of shipping cost etc. And you can pay by western union, bank ,credit card online, if you have no these, you can contact with us by paypal. Please check it carefully, if you have any question for the price, operational approach, etc, don't hesitate to ask me, i will give you a satisfied answer and how to buy online. And i need tell you a good news, when your order is more than $300, we will reduce all the shipping cost in our store and send the goods to you by express such as DHL, UPS, EMS, Fedex etc. Aliexpress company belong to alibaba company , too and it is fit well for the small order to buy online. Hope we will have a start cooperation in it and have a long-time cooperation. we hope you can give us some suggestion for our store for the picture, price, shipping, variety, MOQ etc. we will adjust all according to our clients'view.I am looking forward to your reply/order, thank you very much. 模板十五(客户拍了但是没有付款): Oh,My God.You didn't pay for the product incredibly.This is beyond my imagination.The products are so perfect,however they are still not make you satisfied.It seems that my service and product are not good enough, which let you wasted so much time in my shop and lose your confidence on me.I'm very sorry.Wish you have a happy life. 模板十六(客户留言过失没有及时回,香港小包无路径查不到1006047717) Dear Gayane So sorry for the delay reply,too many message after CNY, so I missed to reply your message,really I feel so sorry. I have checked the message and our delivery record ,all of the information shows that we have shipped the parcel via HongKong post without tracking number,so it is untracked.But the rule of Aliexpress specified that we must write a tracking number,if not,we can't send the goods online, therefore,my collegue wrote a tracking number of china Post mail.I'm so sorry for all of the trouble we brought to you. I think I should tell you that there are so many parcel for HongKong post and the post is so slower than usual by the end of the year,I hope you can cancel the dispute and wait for more days in patience,I believe the parcel will arrive in the near future,please believe that we won't make our clients bear any lose.If the parcel is returned or lost,we will refund you without any reason,Please dont worry about that.if now we refund the money to you, when you get the parcel, you need pay the money to us or return back the parcel to us, i think that is trouble for you or me. Apologize again for all of the trouble brought to you.really so sorry because of the delay reply and not enough service. i hope you can give us a chance to give you a discount or a simple gift when you next order. Thank you very much. Jack 模板十七(客户对材质误会并且提起纠纷并且没有及时回复1005280810) Dear Mary I feel so sorry for the delay reply because we can't see the message of dispute centre in time if we didn't go to dispute centre, so I missed to reply your message,really I feel so sorry. I have checked the material of the earrings,and I confirmed with our warehours stock,the material is crystal.I think you should confirm it again.and please send the goods pictures to our email(luluohua@gmail.com) to confirm. On the other hand,we are honest seller and hope establish long-time cooperation with any kind customer,we can not make our clients bear any lose.I hope you can understand and I am looking forward your next order.Thank you. Jack (投诉): 投诉中国邮政小包还没有收到货:(事例:1005975643) Dear ****, i am s*****, i feel so sorry to bother you and all your inconvenience. we have followed the package tracking number all the time. now, the China Post mail always can't arrive to our client's hand because of so many parcel for China Post, although most are about 18-43 days, but it still have many package just can'arrive more than 45-60 days or more,and sometimes some package return back to China ( less 2%), we ask the China Post mail that didn't know the exact reason they only can check the package status.maybe the customs clearance is a reason, your country post delaying is a reason, China Post delaying is a reason. i think the Post mail service is worse much than the express.but it is very cheap when the weight is less than 2KG, we always feel so helpless for the China Post, so our product decription have ' Risk Tips" for the Post Shipping way, we must deal with the delay positively, don't worry, we will still follow the tracking of you package. if the package return back by the Postal service, when we get the package we will return back the money to you unconditionally. please try to contact with your country Post and urgent them , our experience shows that can let the package to your hand earlier, it have no any other way. dear *****, because you give us a dispute , that had let us have a dispute rate and give us a very bad effection. if you can cancel this dispute within 4 hours, that will have an arbitrament rate that will give us more bad effection. hope you can comprehend our work, and i hope you will have a good sale for our products, and we will have a long-time cooperation. please believe the Aliexpress company and believe our company, you won't bear any lose if you cancel this dispute, thank you very much.(如果客户发起了一个纠纷) when you get the goods, please confirm it online, thank you very much, hope you will be satisfied with our goods and you will have a good sale ,and we will have a long-time cooperation, thank you very much.(如果已经到达客户国家) Dear****, if your goods is urgent, i suggest you should select the express shipping way, when your order is more than $300, we will send the goods to you by express free shipping. if you are a mature buyer in aliexpress , you will discover, when your order is more than $300 in a store, usually you can get a good price (some store can be free shipping less than $300, but the unit price is higher much), and it can save much shipping cost with a fast and safety shipping way. please confirm it, thank you very much.(向客户进行推销) if